Thank you, Stanton Foundation.
Twenty-two eligible organizations received grants provided by the Stanton Foundation. The total dollar amount requested was $167,706 to assist 11,609 homeless dogs. This averages $14 per dog in assistance; a small amount. We had 6 foster canine groups applying, 10 public shelters and 6 facilities that serve as both. Checks were mailed in early June, 2022. FOHO WV received a $10,000 Technical Grant from Stanton to do some necessary updating of our website and computer hardware. This new website is compliments of Stanton also! FOHO WV |
Huntington Cabell Wayne Animal Control Shelter purchased Kuranda beds with their Stanton Grant and they had some very happy canines enjoying them.

They are King of the Mountain in their play yard at the Mason County Animal Shelter.
Our first project were the ramps in the play yard. We used grant money to purchase all the material and they were built with volunteer labor. The dogs absolutely love them specially to run under and around when they chase each other. Several of them like to be on top of them like king of the mountain and that is how we get our best pictures to post of the dogs. Mason County Animal Shelter Manager, Denee Sidenstricker
Check out the slideshow at the bottom of the page for more photos of dogs affected by the Stanton Grant.
There is no central oversight for the operation of shelters or rescues in West Virginia. There are fifty-five West Virginia (WV) counties operating independently with no central administration of animal control services nor public shelters in our state. WV State law does not require that each county operate a public shelter nor have an animal control officer. This lack of guidance presents a problem for animal services throughout our state. The Federation of Humane Organizations (FOHO WV), operating since 1994, has worked diligently to provide a network for animal welfare issues throughout WV. We have attempted to fill this void. |

Mason County outside kennel area and play area in back made possible by the Stanton Grant. They added two meet and greet adoption rooms which can be viewed in the slideshow at bottom of page.
The 2022 grant was much more flexible than our last two Stanton grants due to offering five areas of need: medicine, capital improvements, emergency operating costs, transportation expenses and assistance transitioning to new fundraising models. We allowed a mix of needs which did make the process much more complex. We evaluated applicants by various criteria including, but not limited to, type, canine intake, budget, need, and location. We were able to award each applicant a Stanton Foundation grant in 2022 due to the generosity of the Stanton Foundation in agreeing to an increase in our 2022 grant amount. Government shelters are administered by local county commissions. In many cases, there is an animal welfare organization working with these public shelters to fundraise and offer adoption services for homeless dogs. In some counties, the county commission contracts for personal services to be provided by the local animal welfare organization. Monroe County Animal League needed new kennels and appliances so we could provide care for Monroe County’s homeless dogs. Also, preventative medical care to help pups like this precious one. Thank you for the Stanton grant funds which have helped us to improve the lives of our foster canines until they are placed into loving homes. Waneta Mckinney MCAL |

Since June 1st, ARF has transported 144 animals to safety with funding through the Stanton grant. ARF is extremely appreciative of FOHO and the Stanton grant program and look forward to continuing our partnership next year. Because of support such as this program, ARF has been instrumental in helping the Jackson County Animal Shelter become essentially a “no-kill” facility Animal Rights Furever in Jackson County.